absolute minimum

美 [ˈæbsəluːt ˈmɪnɪməm]英 [ˈæbsəluːt ˈmɪnɪməm]
  • 绝对极小值
absolute minimumabsolute minimum
  1. As an absolute minimum , you should spend two hours in the evening studying .


  2. About 12 inches wide is the absolute minimum you should consider


  3. The project will take six months , as an absolute minimum .


  4. Risks must be reduced to the absolute minimum .


  5. We want to keep the amount of distortion to an absolute minimum .


  6. Interbank cash concentration model based on absolute minimum fork tree


  7. An absolute minimum of four - ( 4 ) hours notice is required .


  8. The absolute minimum temperature 0 ℃;


  9. About 12 inches wide is the absolute minimum you should consider .


  10. Limit the time those privileges are active or can be activated to the absolute minimum


  11. The UI is designed to reduce the time commitment to enter data to an absolute minimum .


  12. They had trim their staff to the absolute minimum .


  13. Menus and input from the operator have been reduced to an absolute minimum .


  14. Absolute minimum green calculation for vehicle phase at signalized intersections with bus rapid transit signal priority


  15. For security reasons , you should limit the number of user accounts with administrative permissions to the absolute minimum .


  16. A Survey on Winter Killing of Sympodial Bamboo in 1999 When Fujian 's Suffering Absolute Minimum Temperature


  17. Many mothers in China need to go back to their working place before the absolute minimum breastfeeding time of6 months is over .


  18. In a SIEF , companies are obliged to share animal testing studies to keep these tests to an absolute minimum .


  19. The other is to reduce the lose to the absolute minimum , after the risk has happened , measures are adopted to control the risk .


  20. How to reduce the risk of losses , and make the loss decline to an absolute minimum is the pursuit of objectives of each big bank .


  21. ECCO wishes to ensure that the conduct of its business as an absolute minimum always complies with all relevant laws and regulations .


  22. If pursuing your dream requires you to leave your day job , figure out the absolute minimum amount of income that you realistically require to live .


  23. Just as banks sought to become more profitable by reducing their capital to an absolute minimum , so companies seek to cut their inventory to a minimum .


  24. US scientists have stripped life back to its bare essentials - creating a synthetic microbe with the absolute minimum genetic information needed to grow and reproduce .


  25. Overall efficiency of wheat and rice planting optimal scale farmers in marginal lands margins absolute minimum , facilities melon industry max.D scale agricultural sample surveys and comparative studies .


  26. Patrons have been and still are particularly interested in combining utilization and significance , practicality and inimitability all the while keeping costs to an absolute minimum .


  27. It does , however , ask us to consider closely the absolute minimum set of practices that enable a small , co-located team to function effectively in today 's software delivery environment .


  28. The results indicate that , when the CCD operating temperature is reduced below its absolute minimum rating , although the dark current performance improves obviously , the CTE performance degrades rapidly .


  29. Moreover , the state should be a self-contained economic unit , foreign trade should be reduced to an absolute minimum , and when essential it should be carried on through the government itself .


  30. Most people are courteous enough to do the absolute minimum on a date : finish whatever activity you 're doing together and devote sufficient time out of respect for the other person .
